Hello, 1st thank you for a site that is good,clean,and a joy to be a part of, I would like to suggest to you regards A.B. posts containing CAR RADIO CODES although I myself have given out codes it seems that there are more of these requests coming on your site, I can foresee something happening due to these requests in turn may damage the reputation of a bloody good site, as you do check all posts that are requested can you not highlight the instant removal of car code requests and state the reason why? I do not like to refuse peoples request with anything I can help with so can you at the AB Team consider my humble advise as I would not like the site to have a bad reputation due to what I have stated. Regards Trebor.
sorry your post has totally bemused me, are you trying to imply that anyone asking for a car radio code must have stolen the radio? i asked for one about 4 years ago for the last car i had cos i bought it and the radio needed a code.
Why would the site get a bad reputaion over this? who would they be upsetting?