a while ago i asked a q about leaving my woman.i didnt,other men wanted to be with her so i had to stay with her to stop anyone else getting to her. she does everything for me she would have made someone a very happy man shes the perfect wife. although i dont really want to be here,i just get up and go in the morning and go leave her to look after the kids,then i get back when i know she'll be in bed.iv'e even managed to stop her phoning me,she should be ok,she wants more romance but i dont really know what that is?any advice?
do you love her ? why would it bother you if someone else had her ? seems to me like your using her ....I feel sorry for the poor lady...she deserves sooo much better than you.
But babe if you don't want her, surely you guys must row. What effect is this going to have on your 'kid' ? Let her be happy with someone else....I am in same position as your 'woman'...i know what I am talking about
May I remind you ... you do not OWN your wife or your child!! If you do not love her and are unable or unwilling to treat her the way she wants and needs to be treated, then you need to get out of her life. You have no right to stop her from having a happy life, just because you fathered a child with her! And you child will never be happy with a father like you or with a Mother who will increasingly become depressed living with someone who has no love for her. You are a selfish, uncaring fool who needs to be thrown out on his ear! Hope she has the courage to do that soon and that she finds someone who knows what the words "loving family" actually mean!
first off before you all jump down my neck...we're not married,i dont do marrage,second shes not with me for my money we're on the same income she wants to be with me because she can.and dont bring my mother into it as she supports me in everything i do as she raised me.my child also loves me and shall be very thankfull that she had her old man around
lmfao ..Im thinking ..poor woman ,, lucky woman all at the same time ..poor woman for puttin up with a **** like yourself ,, and lucky woman cus at least she doesnt have to look at your sorry face all day ..and she gets your pay ..lmfao!!
I bet shes got a bit on the side ..thats why shes n bed every night when you come home ..shes knackered.