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What is so good about home composting

A. You are making material that will improve your soil and make for healthier plants. You can make your own compost in even the smallest garden and, by using vegetable matter that would usually end01:00 Tue 27th Mar 2001

What is dust

A. Household dust is mainly made up of discarded human skin cells, which explains why it is often a translucent blue-grey icolour. Other elements of dust such as pollen, tiny particles of soil, soot01:00 Tue 27th Mar 2001

Why is container gardening so popular these days

A. One of the biggest factors is the huge range of attractive terracotta, glazed, wooden and retro-style containers that have come onto the market in the past decade. Containers are ideal for small01:00 Tue 27th Mar 2001

What is a mulch

A. A mulch is a layer of material spread direct onto the ground around the base of plants. It can take the form of well-rotted compost or manure, bark chippings, leaf mould, old straw or even pebbles01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

There s a lot of concern about burglary. But what are the facts

A. Although burglary fell by 8 per cent during 1990-2000, that is no comfort to the thousands of people who lose valuables and have their property ransacked every year. Here are a few facts to bear01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

I want to lay a new lawn. Where do I start

A. As always, with the soil. You need to know what lies below the surface before you do anything else. Even if you have what looks like a perfectly decent topsoil it can often disguise a multitude01:00 Tue 13th Mar 2001

Winter is still with us. Surely it is too early for serious gardening

A. Nothing could be further from the truth. We might still be in self-imposed hibernation, but many plants are beginning to come to life. Thorough preparation during March will help guarantee your01:00 Tue 13th Mar 2001

What do I need to do before I start tiling

A. That depends on the surface you are tiling. Any bumps in the wall will show up, so first of all it's important to make the surface as flat as possible. Then there are the various different01:00 Tue 13th Mar 2001

Taking the stubborn out of stains

By Tom Gard A couple of recent questions have been about the stubborn question of how to remove stains. We look at range of likely culprits and how to get them out of what. Q. What's the first01:00 Tue 06th Feb 2001

Cleaning up a dusty question

By Tom Gard THERE has been an amazing range of questions and answers on the Homes and Gardens channel this week. Here’s a look at some of the best of this week's batch. 'Why is fluff in my01:00 Tue 06th Mar 2001

How do you install your own swimming pool

By Tom Gard THE number of private homes with swimming pools is rocketing. Once thought of as a luxury for the ultra-rich, there are now a wide range of surprisingly affordable pools on the market. 01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

How can I find out about home swopping

By Tom Gard MORE and more of us are deserting the traditional package holiday and opting to swap our homes with people from across the globe. Here looks at the advantages and01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Where can I find out about garden openings

By Tom Gard Many people are planning to open their gardens to the public over the next year, through the National Gardens Scheme. What exactly is the National Gardens Scheme The National Gardens01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Ellen joins ranks of world beating women

By Tom Gard SHE may not actually be a winner, but Ellen MacArthur is the nation's heroine for 2001. Before MacArthur was in sight of the finishing line of the Vendee Globe round the world01:00 Wed 21st Feb 2001

Effect some change with paint

By Tom Gard WE'VE all seen it on the TV home makeover shows. Owners bored with staring at the same old walls, ceilings and floors call in the experts armed with a myriad of clever paint effects,01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Punchy asked about planting times...

By Tom Gard PUNCHY asked about planting times and it would make the gardener's life loads easier, if a lot duller, if the great British weather allowed us to predict down to the month, or even week,01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Dip into pond life

By Tom Gard THERE'S not a garden in the country that couldn't benefit from water. Not the stuff that comes out of the sky with alarming regularity, but a pond, however small. Nothing is more01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Fireplace formula needed

By Tom Gard THERE have been some genuinely testing questions -and some brilliant answers - posted over the past few weeks. Before we have a look at some of the matters that have been exercising01:00 Tue 13th Feb 2001

Gearing up to grow

By Tom Gard LIKE plants and animals, this is the time of year gardeners begin to come out of hibernation and take their first tentative sniffs of the air outside. The weather has not been kind01:00 Tue 13th Feb 2001

Doing your homework

By Tom Gard IMAGINE if commuting to work involved arming yourself with a cupper, stepping over a toddler or two, negotiating the stairs and then sitting down in front of the computer. For millions01:00 Tue 13th Feb 2001

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