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Feral Families...

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pastafreak | 21:43 Thu 26th Oct 2017 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
...anyone watching?
All these families seem to want the best for their children.
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with home schooling...I've known a few who've done it. But it needs to be done right.
I'm hoping the 2 kids trying school enjoy it.


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My first instinct was lazy parenting, a 13 year old unable to read or write is not my idea of positive parenting ?
Pasta - i think it seemed to be a one-off docu. The kids that tried the school opted out.

Absolutely all of the kids in both of the families were lovely, mannerly, and most of all HAPPY.

I was looking for the mad, screaming, bad language examples - but no they were lovely - so it is true - if the parents are happy and the kids are happy - then so be it.
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I agree jj. They were lovely and loved kids.
I just worry that the home schooling needed to be closer to the national curriculum. Surely it can be followed while keeping the kids free and excited about learning.
Home schooling sounds easy, but in reality isn't an easy option for parent or child every time.
We were brought up in a house where there were no rules whatsoever except that you need to be kind and treat people the way you'd like to be treated yourself, and if you did anything there was Dad's lore of consequence, meaning if you pleased yourself then so could everyone else- thus I never had to tidy up but if Dad got fed up of the mess and he tidied up he was likely to chuck our stuff away, and if you had a fight with a sibling you'd better sleep with one eye open :) My one brother didn't learn to read and write until quite late and he's now the one training to be a Dr, whereas the rest of us are lesser mortals, so although I didn't watch the programme what you're saying doesn't surprise me.
^You need to be kind and treat people the way you would like to be treated. I presume that doesn't mean speaking to them like this " No wonder she hates the sight of you, what a mean spirited, small minded man, still hell bent on making life difficult for your ex"
I'm very kind, so I would hate to see a woman who brings up someone's daughter cheated out of her £65 per week which helps her do so, by said small minded mean spirited little man- so yeah, bang on the money hero. You by contrast appear to think it's okay.
"You by contrast think it is Ok. Regardless of what I think,that is not a charter to insult people. Never mind. You are young. I would probably have sounded off when I was your age.
Is there any point in you derailing this thread, you could have addressed me daring to have an opinion you disagreed with on the original- or then again, you could have done what most people do and accept that you don't get to tell another adult how to behave. Apologies Pastafreak for this, not sure what C3PO's problem is :(
Yes Spicerack, you don't have to have one foot in the grave to be an adult, despite you clearly wishing for vindication by it being the contrary. I work. I pay half of everything I earn in taxes, I vote, I employ people on occasion, I'm an advocate for vulnerable people and was a McKenzie friend recently, I am old enough to join the army, get married, adopt a child, give blood, drive an HGV and a host of other things. I'm also old enough not to care what you, or most other people, think about me, so if you have a problem with that might I suggest you 'stick it in your pipe and smoke it'?

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