People in the public eye who behave as JP has done are seen as fair game by the media, and if interesting enough, by dramatists.
Mr Prescott is experienced enough a politician to know that - and he must accept that people are sufficiently titilated by his recent dallience that this drama will have an audience, and be debated.
As for Ms. Temple - she should have been aware of the risks, both public and private, when she took on the job, and Mr Prescott.
I find myself with little sympathy for the individuals concerned, but with considerable sympathy for their imediate loved ones, who are innocent victims in this whole sorry mess.
But an infringement of Civil Liberties? You can only go down that road if you follow the parallel path of infringement of government premises and ministerial time - both funded by the tax payer.
I suspct all concerned will smile through gritted teeth and pray for Victoria Beckham to fall off her stilletoes in the next day or so!