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What services can a car valet firm perform?

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

We've all seen the valet services from the big screen, the ones where the valet will take your car keys, take the vehicle away to be parked and cleaned in a private car park. But do real people actually use these services?

The answer is yes, more and more valeting services are beccoming widely available across the country, not only at high end restaurants and casinos, but in supermarket car parks too.

People who lead a busy lifestyle may not have time to keep their set of wheels looking spick and span – which is where a car valeting firm can step in.

These companies can perform a range of tasks in and outside a vehicle, using products which may not be readily available in your average 24-hour garage.

Chassis and wheels can get the full wash treatment, topped-off with a wax and polish, with each chemical chosen for its suitability with the metalwork.

The service certainly beats the capabilities of a machine operated car-wash each time, and it only costs a few quid more.

There are many other benefits to this service, especially if you're just popping into the supermarket to do your weekly shop, you could leave your car with the valets there and they will give it a thorough clean for you. Upon your return your car will be waiting in a private car parking space looking factory-clean!

Tyres and mudflaps can also be given a once-over to make them look shiny and new again, while windows may get a polish inside and out.

Before all this, the inside of the car could be given its makeover - a full vacuum clean could be a must, along with special treatments for seats and areas such as the dashboard.

Of course in most circumstances you can customise the type of wash you get, so if you don't want anyone going into your cars interior you can request that it gets left out. If you want only interior work and no wash on the outside of the car then most valets will perform that service for you.

You may also want to make sure ashtrays and other waste receptacles are emptied during a service.

Some companies may also have the expertise to clean an engine, which can be performed with a pressure washer and engine lacquer.

Many firms could offer this service in your area, so shopping around can be highly recommended. Check the internet for rates and locality, and most of the time private firms will reduce prices and throw in extras to obtain your custom.

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