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take it to the bridge

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fremsley | 15:44 Fri 24th Feb 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
what is the meaning and origin of this phrase.First heard it in a Led Zep song back in the 70s.


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If you do a Google search using the phrase in question + the group's full name, you'll get lots of hits. I had a glance at some, hoping to direct you to a specific piece that explains, but it seems no-one is too clear about its significance, though it might refer to a song by someone else. It seems also that one meaning of 'bridge' in musical terms is a passage of music which links two separate parts of a composition. As you're probably a fan, perhaps you'll show more persistence than I was prepared to! Good luck!
The bridge is the bit in a song (usually between the second chorus and third verse) where it gets all funky and if its a rock record this is where the guitar/ drum/ synth solo can be found. On a funk record this is the bit that is usually sampled!
'Taking it to the bridge' is a call from someone, lets for arguments sake say James Brown, for his band to get all funky and do their thang!
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No musical training,thankyou,i now understand.

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take it to the bridge

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