********NEW QUIZ AVAILABLE********
Friends Of Blessed Sacrament School (Preston)(Charity No. XT26395).
Our new quiz is now available.
This time our quiz is a 'Family Christmas Quiz'!
Sounds easy enough, but theres a few toughies in there, and there are some christmas cracker questions!
Are you up to the challenge?
Closing Date: Monday 7th January 2013
First Prize £10 and Second Prize £5. There will also be a lucky draw of £2.50 which could be won by any entrant.
Please send £1 + S.A.E to:Mrs LA. Stickley @ 20 Woodlands Avenue, Ribbleton, Preston, PR2 6DT. Cheques made payable to: 'FOBS'.
or E-mail FOBSPTFA@TALKTALK.NET and we will E-mail you the quiz and you can send your £1 with your completed entry.
If you are already on our mailing list a quizshould already be on it's way.
The 1st prize and Lucky Dip prize from our last quiz were won by 'AnswerBank' members.
Many Thanks for your continued support.