To link - or not to link? That is the question!
( with apologies to WS for HAMLET'S SOLILOQUY)
Never has there been such a stone-cold favourite since the tortoise and the hare had a rumble down in the forest, or Goliath was insulted by the shepherd boy - what an upstart! To date only 10 entries strayed outside the TOWER HAMLETS safety zone. It looks so obvious that it MUST be the link(?)
I count 61 entries at this point in time - including 7 new comers. Welcome to you all!
I didn't know that there were so many victories, angles and towels! Most eye-catching was PYRRHIC victory, towelLING (clever) and Tower GOURD? What devious minds there are out there!
I noticed that joint leader (ontarioice) went back to his entry to add an "S". Remember that the "Plural Rule" always applies and, for example, "Towel RAIL" and "Towel RAILS" are equivalent!
Note also that crofter made an error entering his words (as others did) and went back to correct his first entry. These corrections are permitted and the score sheet will automatically invalidate the first entry in such cases.
Hence the only second entries of millimollly and burgess3334 will stand as valid. In similar mode, if anyone crosses paths with Arabesque in the next few hours let them know that one of their entires (RAILWAY) is invalid. The link word was TOWEL - not RAIL. Anyone crossing paths with Blockhead let them know that ONE word prediction is not enough! ('nuff said!)
My assessment? Not as easy as it looks. Even with TOWER as a banker, there were 5 or 6 fancied options for each of the other three link words. That should lead us to about 200 feasible solutions - and there only 61 of us chasing the glory!
The very best of British (and Canadian) to you all!