we still have some left
Whittlesey Christmas Lights have just released this years quiz called Name Those Tunes
It is 100 questions anagrams of christmas songs and carols.
It costs £1 per quiz sheet. the closing date is 31st January 2010
we accept cheques, postal orders, concealed coins, cheques made payable to Whittlesey Christmas lights please Prizes are 1st prize £25. 2nd prize £15 and third prize £10
quiz sheets can be obtained from with an SAE from
Mrs R Jolley
13 Crescent close
Nr Peterborough
all proceeds go to the committee to help maintain the lights to light up the town centre. the committee are all volunteers and give their time freely to do this and thankyou if you choose to support us.
corrections to numbers
10 nibbling reels will
11 shamble citbrus
13 mocasin rightism csi
14 cardinals smiths
22 a consign kowledge
33 a finessed jig joy mourns
38 littlenesses lion town two twints
40 should be 6,7,3,
41 scintillate knit
44 an entitled wisome
48, should be 3,5,2,9,3,
52 a acede he thinks mirror nuts rot rocts
53 doddered telephoners her i run
64, should be 4,1,5,2,4
82 a fake yew of tin lorry
89 a cec a therefore slims mops rhoms
91 a richocheted rejoining oms
92 a mallard howler maws
93 camel callus
yes the quiz sheets will have the corrections on they have been changed and anyone who bought one will be awarded the correct answer if sent back as it is our mistake all we can do is apologise for it as it was our mistake and make sure that we double or triple check next time