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Compact Cameras: Find the Best Women’s Compact Camera

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

If you want to capture those perfect moments you want a camera that’s reliable as well as modern and stylish. You don’t want to be carrying a heavy camera around with you when you go travelling, on a night out with the girls or at a festival- you want something light and compact that fits perfectly into your handbag.

Flash the Cash:

You don’t have to pay high prices to get high quality you just need to shop around - which shouldn’t be a problem for you shopaholics out there. From high-end digital cameras that almost need a mortgage to buy, to small pocket-sized compact digital cameras that don't break the bank and you can take anywhere.

The digital camera revolution seems to continue to expand with new and improved cameras coming out all the time. With so much choice it can be difficult to find the right one for you. So decide what features and specifications you want then you can start exploring the world of compact digital cameras with their stylish and unique characteristics.

When you set out to buy the perfect camera, you don’t have to deal with pushy sales managers or get approved for financing. You do, however, have to wade through a market that’s become flooded with a variety of cameras offering a dizzying array of features and styles. So, what’s a girl to do?

Well girls, don’t panic, there is plenty of choice out there to ensure you get exactly what you’re looking for. When it comes to making those all important decisions about resolution, you should take into consideration that we girls like to have pictures up everywhere to remind us of those memorable moments. The general rule is the higher the resolution, the better the quality of your images, so If you want to enlarge your photos, for example, make prints that are 8 x 10 inches or larger you should look for cameras with 4MP resolution or higher.

If having a slim, highly portable camera which fits into your handbag is your main objective, you might want to look at an ultra compact camera - Casio and Canon offer great ranges of ultra compact cameras which come in a variety of colours to suit any outfit. However the miss congeniality award goes to the Kodak Easyshare range as they offer compact easy to use cameras that are pretty to look at and act as a great fashion accessory.

Female-Friendly Features:

The perfect camera should be as easy to slip into a purse or pocket as a mobile phone without any hassle. It’s just like buying shoes that are too small, which clearly you will never wear again - always try before you buy.

Who has time to sit and look thorough the various menus on a camera while getting ready to go out with the girls? The Kodak EasyShare range won the ease-of-use category hands down, with easy to use features that are simple to understand, Kodak is the prefect choice if all you want to do is click and go.

While looks aren’t everything, you should always remember to indulge your sense of style. Sleek looks, slim designs, and enticing colours all enhance the joy of going digital. With the competitive digital market fighting to compete with all the new unique designs, there are always new and improved models emerging-so search around for the perfect fashion accessory instead of settling for second best.

Be aware that there are catches when searching for the best compact camera. Some stylishly small cameras entice you with their pixie-sized good looks, but the trade-off is a screen the size of a postage stamp, which means you’ll be squinting to see your photos - which just isn’t a good look. Another catch is the price you pay of the perfect camera - a picture may be worth a thousand words, but how much are you willing to pay for the camera that takes it?

Make sure you explore the complete range of compact digital cameras, with their stylish features that are built to last. And remember - Wherever life takes you, make every photo count.

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