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Bazile | 16:44 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | Society & Culture
26 Answers
How did fellow Aber's discover the site

I cant remember for certain my self - I think I googled something , and a link directed me here


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I just wanted an opinion under Law section in regrad to an extention at the rear of my home. Slowly got stuck here...............
Asking questions beyond Googles capabilities.

Google fobbed me off here to annoy all of you!
I remember when we first got the internet and my girlfriend mentioned about Answerbank and I was all saying to her sure what's the point of it, if you want to know something just google it. But then I realised that I am useless at googling and can never find what I'm looking for. In summary Answerbank is great.
Does anyone remember the Marlboro quiz-mania of nearly 5 years ago? And I don't even smoke! (Didn't win either)...
I googled a gardening question and was brought to this site.
Clanad, remember it well!

Back in the days when the AB Ed was nice...... zles/Question277166.html

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