Quizzes & Puzzles6 mins ago
Yahoo Emails
My Yahoopage seems to have undergone a change overnight and now says BT Yahoomail.
The look of the page has changed and I have an advertisement email at the top of my list of incoming emails which I cannot delete. At the end of the advert it has a 's' in a broken cirlce, rather than the time.
How do I get back to my UK and Ireland Email page and/or how do I get rid of these sponsored emails?
Thank you.
Windows 7 Chrome browser.
The look of the page has changed and I have an advertisement email at the top of my list of incoming emails which I cannot delete. At the end of the advert it has a 's' in a broken cirlce, rather than the time.
How do I get back to my UK and Ireland Email page and/or how do I get rid of these sponsored emails?
Thank you.
Windows 7 Chrome browser.
Hi Tilly. I have just found that I also get an advert at the front of the first email in the inbox and a letter 's' instead of the time at the line end of the email. But this only happens when I disable the AdBlock. (But I didn't say that, honest Ed).
18:30 Fri 01st May 2015
It's a programme you run continuously on your computer that periodically checks your e-mail account for you, and if it finds you have received new e-mail it downloads it to your computer and then deletes it from the website. It can also allow you to send e-mails from your computer too so you never need to go to the website and see the ads.
I use Microsoft Outlook 2003 but I'm sure that there must be newer, better ones out there. Maybe here http://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-home&site=webhp&source=hp&ei=DUJFVa2iC8LT7AaN-oCYBg&q=free+good+windows+e-mail+client&oq=free+good+windows+e-mail+client&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3..0i22i10i30j0i8i13i30.6950.30459.0.32000.