i also couldnt get connected today and a recorded message on talk talk help line mentioned it was to do with zone alarm so i deleted it but now have seen on here that people was recommending just to turn it down to medium which i had no knowledge of so what can i do now as internet working ok now but have no zone alarm just avg.
Just double-click on the Z down by the clock to get into the ZoneAlarm control panel and in the firewall settings move the slider from high to medium. That should do the trick.
I would like to know realaleman how you know what affect a bonafide update is going to do to your PC I personally am a bit weary to alter firewall settings also those who have removed Zone Alarm have you reinstated Windows Firewall from control panel ?? hth Tez
have sorted that now thanks, though not everyone is so keen on zone alarm and avg it seems, i find it so confusing as still learning about these things.
When I turned Zonealarm off I did in fact reinstate the Windows firewall, but I'm sure that ZoneAlarm will be better even though reduced from High to Medium. What I really dont like is Microsoft forcing an update on me when I didn't ask for it, or indeed get a chance of declining it, since it automatically installed itself when I shut down!
Microsoft sucks.
Due to its overwhelming dominance in operating systems Microsoft is the main target for hackers. Part of the service you get when you buy their software is access to an automatic update system to ensure you have the latest countermeasures in place.
Realaleman: If you think Microsoft sucks so much use something else. Of course you can turn off the automatic updates of you are feeling lucky and prepared to leave your computer vulnerable to any new hacks.
ZoneAlarm is bloatware. It has a lot of bells and whistles that look important but really don't amount to much. The Windows Firewall does just the same thing regarding hiding ports from the internet. Indeed your router probably does too if you haven't bridged it.
ZoneAlarm also monitors ports opend by applications on your computer ostensibly to warn you that some trojan has gotten in and is trying to report back to base.
In reality the trojan will disguise its traffic as plain old Internet Explorer accessing port 80. A decent rootkit will entirely hide its activity entirely.
Do you know anyone who has had Zone Alarm actually find something that mattered. Or are you just excited about the hundreds of potential threats it claimed to lock out?
And those P2P networks like Limewire you think are so cool, well no doubt you told Zonealarm they were authorised otherwise they won't work. You might as well have thrown the door wide open and laid out a red carpet to hackers.
As for AVG. You haven't noticed it eating up your bandwidth downloading every page listed in your Google and Yahoo searches to check them for viruses even though you probably won't visit most of the sites? It does this in the background without asking. Now that really does suck.