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stompe2 has something to tell everyone .

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leggemessiah | 23:19 Fri 15th May 2009 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Fri 15/05/09
22:15 Legend i know lots about you! I dont need records! real name etc court appearances!

Did that help!

run away little boy you might not like whats said!

welll ive gto a drink and a bag of crisps.

Lets see if mr bice guy stompe can post what he says he has records of eh ??

Keep watching folks.


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Wrong thread legend Keep up
just told me me eldest lad to crack me a fosters open and get me some crisps .........................go stumpy.
i am going to have a cup of tea

:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Steve Third! Want more
yeah we want more
Wouldnt if i was you!

But I HAVE Brains!

Can you afford to lose more friends?
Thurs 26/02/09
20:48 Question Author

Boo at 13 is that alright? hi
I have no argument with legend, stompe, noknow or knobby but I am getting seriously p*ssed off with all these allegations and counter allegations which seep into nearly every post these days or so it seems.
Could you please just shut the f*ck up or ignore each other
Question Author
come on stompe

im waiting
what is this all about im lost ????
Thurs 26/02/09
21:00 Question Author

What makes a 13 year old girl want Sex?
Question Author
Fri 15/05/09
22:15 Legend i know lots about you! I dont need records! real name etc court appearances!

Did that help!

run away little boy you might not like whats said!

bensmum how should i ignore that?

nand hes posting my full name too?

im open to your suggestions bensmum ?
Tick Tock !Watch him ban me!
noknow is that a joke ??
no it's what stompe asks one night , disturbing for a pensioner to be asking that me anyway.
Simple Legend leave ME alone! you can then start on someone else

Deal or No Deal?
Question Author
Fri 15/05/09
22:15 Legend i know lots about you! I dont need records! real name etc court appearances!

Did that help!

run away little boy you might not like whats said!

sleepy easy really nice boy stompe has posted alleging he knows something dubious about me

whaat court appearances stompe?

bensmum im sure if you read this and hes posting my name now that you will realise hes quite a dangerous little old man.
i'm just hanging around for the evidence against legend .
Good evening.
This sounds very unpleasant.
What are you trying to say stompe??
Question Author
Fri 15/05/09
22:15 Legend i know lots about you! I dont need records! real name etc court appearances!

Did that help!

run away little boy you might not like whats said

ypve already posted my naem

so im waiting

back it up or apologise

i hope everyones watching this nasty little man

welll stompe
tick tock

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stompe2 has something to tell everyone .

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