Can anyone help me please, a family member has had an itch for about 10 years they call it purigo just a name for an itch, she has had every tablet going and found methotrexate to work wonders but a few months ago was taken off it cos too dangerous for her and left with nothing to take for it, dermatologist at her wits end as cant find another drug to give her and has referred her back to docsshe mainly itchy at night and cant sleep its getting to the point she dont want to be here no more!!!also dermatologist called it an old age itch she only 70.
can anyone help she had numerous blood test s and nothing shows up..
It doesn't seem uncommon in older people. But difficult if they have tried everything already. I guess that includes emollients, hydrocortisone creams etc and antihistamines?
They just use that name because it means itch basically, patches just come out anywhere on her body, we have tried everything and when she tries new stuff it mostly makes her irritable therefore she stuops taking them she not had any sleep for months and is exhausted!
If her skin is dry then itching can well result - something as simple as vaseline will work well. The beauty of vaseline is that it's action doesn't fade as rapidly as lighter commercial skin creams and it is cheap and readily/widely available.