Charity Quiz
My friends at the Answer Bank did so well the other day that I give you some more. Most of these questions are linked to cats but, I'm informed, not all of them. I've managed 91; these are the nine I am puzzled with.
(a) Historically, a children's science programme or road safety measures?(4,4)
(b) The little family cat? (8)
(c) Disney's terrible twins? (2,3,2)
(d) Musically who wants to be a cat?(9)
(e) Where do cats with thumbs come from? (10)
(f) An infamous alley cat? (6,7)
(g) On-line moggies?(7).
(h) Characters from Oz for this breed of cat? (9)
(i) The space is too tiny for this saying (2,4,2,5,1,3)