A. Slowly but surely more and more of us are working from home. Millions self-employed people are now using their homes as offices instead of renting premises while employers are increasingly
00:00 Tue 25th Sep 2001As every homeowner knows the cost of running a household can be almost as much as paying the mortgage. Whether it is a bijou studio apartment or a rambling 60 bedroom mansion the same bills come through the door every month.
The cost of maintaining a home over the course of a year has risen, new figures from recent re...
15:36 Mon 24th May 2010Asks trixie A. Estate agents are gradually getting the hang of the web, although it is often hard to find a comprehensive listing of properties in many areas outside London online that comprise those
00:00 Mon 12th Nov 2001A. Quite the opposite, it is more popular than ever. For instance, there are now over half a million British property owners in France alone. With property prices so high in this country, for the
00:00 Fri 26th Oct 2001