Asks Jake A. Mira "tablets" are Microsoft's new portable computers, with flat LCD screen's, that are designed to be used in any room in the house - basically as a remote screen for your PC that is
00:00 Mon 01st Apr 2002Asks JacksonC A. All the furore surrounding the Code Red virus was misdirected - the Nimda virus is potentially a lot more dangerous as it can infect PC users using Windows and IIS web servers and it
00:00 Mon 22nd Oct 2001You ve decided to sell your most valuable asset: your home. Here are ten surprisingly quick and easy ways to get the maximum price 1. Increase your kerb appeal. First impressions count. Most buyers
15:10 Wed 05th Dec 2007 Internet Browsers are getting better and better. Increasingly they're fast, flexible and secure portals to the wonders of the internet. With such progress we eventually have to say goodbye to other version of browsers. These older browsers were from a time when the current web just couldn't be imagined and ...
09:45 Tue 13th Sep 2011Asks panda A. Yes it is if you have a telephone handset that connects to a USB port. Q. How would this work A. A company called Callserve launched the first Internet handset - the XP phone - into
00:00 Mon 08th Oct 2001Asks howardpiercy A. BT Openworld is a new satellite service that will provide high-speed Internet connections to the home. It is targeted at the SoHo (small office home office) environment and will
00:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001Many of us may not be aware of how much energy we are wasting and what our habits are doing to the environment. We boil more water than we need in the kettle, we'll leave a light on all night, the
13:15 Fri 28th Sep 2007 A. The unfortunate premier was Spencer Perceval, a Tory. Q. What happened A. Perceval was shot as he passed through the lobby of the House of Commons by John Bellingham on 11 May, 1812. He was
00:00 Mon 21st May 2001The day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday, is the busiest shopping day of the year. This means that there are great deals to be had on all sorts of items for everyone on your list. Wherever people live in the United States, there are some amazing Black Friday deals on offer.
14:26 Thu 14th Oct 2021Makes 50 small macarons
French macarons are little dooms of cream filled meringues. Paris’s famous patisserie Ladurees is world renowned because of these delightful little round cakes, Ladurees is the height of sophistication and luxury. Macarons line the windows of patisseries all over Paris, they are stacked i...
15:36 Mon 24th May 2010As every homeowner knows the cost of running a household can be almost as much as paying the mortgage. Whether it is a bijou studio apartment or a rambling 60 bedroom mansion the same bills come through the door every month.
The cost of maintaining a home over the course of a year has risen, new figures from recent re...
15:36 Mon 24th May 2010A winter sun holiday sounds like just the thing when the nights start drawing in but it can turn into a nightmare if the proper precautions to protect against malaria are not taken. To remain in good health people leaving the UK should always consider looking for advice on malaria before they travel, according to a maj...
15:36 Mon 24th May 2010Asks spidermonkey A. Yes, this story was first reported in Wired magazine on 28th February and then picked up by many newswires and national newspapers thereafter - and it made news because it is one
00:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002A. There is a huge variety of eggs on the supermarket shelves. Farm Fresh: unless an egg box is labelled organic, free-range or barn produced, you're buying battery eggs. Up to 88 per cent of the UK
00:00 Mon 19th Nov 2001A. It looks more than possible. Some parts of the country have already had a month's worth of rainfall in less than three days and flood warnings have already been issued across East Anglia, the
00:00 Fri 26th Oct 2001asks panda A. An i+ point is an internet terminal located on a public street providing free, if restricted, access to the internet. It provides primarily local information to its users, eg local
00:00 Mon 24th Sep 2001asks johnjo: A. There are few things more miserable than hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis), which affects around 10% of people in the UK. It's the result of your immune system overreacting to
00:00 Mon 14th May 2001Asks danmiller103 A. Most of the main mobile phone manufacturers can support WAP now, so choosing a phone really depends on how much money you want to spend and what fancy adds-ons you're after. A
00:00 Mon 07th May 2001