Heya :-) Can I ask for a little favour please? i'm in this singing competition and basically one view of my video counts as a vote! I need to get 5000 views on it by the end of March but I only have 400 so far. Please please pleeeease watch the link below and please pass it on to every friend you have! even put it as your fb status and i will be truly grateful! Thankyou sooooo much!! (Also, any feedback on my singing will be appreciated! I can take the criticism, I have balls of steel ahaha)
Sorry, but it's very nasal, and a tad monotone, hate being asked to comment on stuff like this - there again parent who say their child is amazing, when they patently are not, do moe harm than good. IMHO.
Only 1 answer
Do you know the answer?
I'd really appreciate you reading this? {I'll make it short, promise!}