Dear Ed, Never mind the weather and games, and all of theother trendy sites you have troduced, but what about a site that could address PEOPLE, and then I could write about the nce people I hamet here, like Naomi, Wiz, the McFroog, Mibs, Jake, China, and oh so many more. A testimonial if you like, a simple tribute to nice people.
Flattering as it is it could also be a bit embarassing Theland and might upset other pixels using the site. Why don't you use the PM service in SAB to get in touch with those you like.
I don't know about all of the people you've listed but I know that Ruby and I use it.
The Land
The instructions were available, you just didn't include the non lovely people
I tried to show you how to engage and make contact via private messaging service What went wrong, my instructions or your ability or your desire to make contact with me, (unchristian type)?
If by "wiz" you meant me then thank you.
I am only nasty when people upset me, like when some youths tryed to pick pocket me. "I the Queen of England would like to officialy dedicate this thread to nice people."
(Try saying it in the queens voice)
'lo naiomi- didn't see ya question there. I think Theland is asking for another category where we can leave lovely dovey messages for each other. Nice idea in theory, but can you imagine folks with multiple usernames all leaving messages for the main user?
Its just i'm called Wiz by the people at work. Anyway, i would consider myself a nice enough guy. What people call me elsewere remains a mystery.
You never know.
oh right, sorry Naomi. On Sports, there's the facility to use a private messaging service if you want. Go into your profile on sports and tick the box and off ya go :-)