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Dream of Scipio This book should read as Latin not Greek Major Guilbert Edward Wyndham Malet RHA Born 12/7/1839 Dowlish Wake Somerset Died 15/10/1918 Studied at Commonors Winchester hand written notes...
The book I have is printed by Spottiswoodes et Shaw New St Londini Scophocilia ? 1847 Greek TAPAXINAI The Women of trachis Front cover missing Any idea of value
I have a booklet titled "The Harmonic Monitor" a key to " The Chromophone". It is by Menzies Cumming and copyrighted The Observer Steamprint , 1885. Does anyone...
Could anyone - who has started their own business and read some books to gain knowledge or background - please recommend a book(s) that they read and found helpful? There are SO many out there, so I'm...
"i read a book years ago about 2 girls who are kidnapped from a boat house, they are locked in a basement with trees and some gaurd dogs. they talk to each other about ways to get out, when the one...
who painted filippo lippi in the act of painting his lover nun lucrezia buti. not the painting by gabiele castagnola. not a painting by lippi but by another painter and showing lippi painting the nun...
In one of Clive Egleton's thrillers, the main character escapes from a log cabin and finds himself alone in a snowscape and trees. He thinks he might be in Russia or similar...but he's really in...
I've just read "A Brief History Of The Dynasties Of China" by Bamber Gascgoine, and was wondering does anybody know of any books that deal exclusively with each dynasty in a series of eight volumes?
i am trying to find an auther for a book with the main charactor called harrison exarmy/police it starts with a person being killed riding the rail road in america which ends up being the militia who...
Many years ago I read a book - think it was for children about a painting. I can't remember the actual story but it seemed to be a religious painting and the author added to the painting bit by bit....
I'm trying to recall the name of a children's annual(?) which contained a story about a fairy called Bluebell who had a cold and passed it on the all her/his friends. I half-remember it from my...
A few years ago I read a book in which a whaling/fishing community started having problems with their prey! It turned out that the prey were being 'occupied/controlled' by under sea dwelling aliens...
I've been unsuccessful in searching a little story/prose that my Dad used to recite to me as early as I can remember (early 1950's) and I wonder if anyone else has heard it before. I can only remember...
I read a book quite a few years ago and I am trying to remember its title or the author. The main character was being followed by a strange man. Her best friend was from a large family who were either...
Does anyone know if there are any books published in the UK on starting up a residential lettings agency? I have seen one listed on Amazon but it is not published until November. Thanks.