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mallyh | 15:39 Tue 10th Dec 2024 | Food & Drink
8 Answers

just found a pork joint in the freezer best before June 2024 not sure if it's ok to eat x



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Of course it is. We eat meat from the freezer much older than that. The texture MIGHT (only might) have suffered a little but it's perectly safe to eat.
15:40 Tue 10th Dec 2024

Of course it is. We eat meat from the freezer much older than that. The texture MIGHT (only might) have suffered a little but it's perectly safe to eat.

I agree that it will be fine

just found a pork joint in the freezer

What other treasures do you have hidden there... one may ask.

Yes definately safe to eat unless the freezer had dfrosted at some point.

I would imagine that if it's been well frozen all that time then all would be well. I doubt if Mrs Atheist would agree (even if she were an omnivore, which she ain't - an' me neever).

I expect you'll get a few more informed posts. Good luck (and please let us know if you eat it successfully).


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thankyou all ,in the oven it goes xx

I concur. I tend to ignore best before dates if it goes in the freezer. It'll still deteriorate but at such a slow rate it's almost certain it'll be fine at the end of the freezer's useful "life".

I see they rushed to reassure you while I was still typing.

My wife said her Cornish clotted cream vanilla ice cream had a funny texture.  She only mentioned it after she'd eaten a goodly portion on her fruit salad. I looked at the tub. 7 years past its use by date.  No ill effects but I did throw the remainder out.

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