My 14 yr old daughter is a very talented cross country with "county" and other credible titles to her name. But lately, she is finding it VERY difficult with her performance gone off.Complaining, her legs ache and feel like lead,also stitches whilst she is running.She is very fit running at least twice a week usually 3. Her body is normal for her age with not an ounce of fat on it. Does anybody have any suggestions. Thanks.
She has probably done enough running for her young body, sounds like its time to rest it for a while. Her bones are to young for this sort of pounding!
Hello hackerbilk, I too am a very athletic person and have gone through many different sorts of pains... My advice would be to get her taking Calcium Megnesiun everyday.. and if her body is hurting her later in the day then giver her another tablet.. no problems with that.. You can look up CM online and the importance of it and when your lacking in this mineral these are the sorts of pains you will feel... And growing pains are also a sign of lacking CM and children should be taking CM that they can chew to make it easier. As for getting a stich, she needs to be drinking more water... the more active you are the more water you need. A stich in the guts is a sign you need water.. a pain or crap in the muscle somewhere else on the body can mean many more other things like needing more Potasium...(banana")
I just did a 56k Ultra and I ate about 3.5 banana's durning that course to prevent muscle cramping...
Good luck and I hope I could help you... Get her on the CM tablets asap!!! take care....
You say her legs ache,is it her legs or around the knees?
if it is around the knees it could be osgoodschlatters disease,just a thought, a lot of youngsters get this when about this age,worth checking with the doctor
is it just whilst she is running that she is tired?
If not she could have something similar to glandular fever, I think a trip to the doc's is in order to make sure that all is ok with her as I am sure neither you or she want to push too hard and ruin any budding career she may have in athletics.
Hello hackerbilk, did you every figure out what to do about your daughter? I would like to know what the out come was if you dont mind posting it.. Have a great day and I hope all is well with your lil athlete!!
Jen x