I have been told that a cup of Cocoa or Ovaltine just before retiring
for the night helps one sleep.
Other people swear by a glass of milk.
Any preferences & why?
There in an amino acid called tryptophan which the body does not produce. When taken, this amino acid produces the b-vitamin niacin which in turn produces seratonin which acts as a sedative and helps you sleep.
There are numerous foods rich in tryptophan which would help you sleep but the drink which contains the most is cherry juice, but cherry juice made specifically from Montmorency cherries.
This juice is available in Tesco.
Mrs O
jennyjoan, if you are having trouble sleeping then the food with the most tryptophan in is turkey. A turkey sarnie and a glass of cherry juice should help you.
It really helped my daughter sleep when she was going through a bad patch of insomnia.
I now take sleeping tablets
Well you are very lucky re the sleeping tablets - I was getting them but my lovely doctor has retired and the other two ladies doctors won't give me them now.
Try the turkey and cherry juice (it has to be the once specified) and let me know how you get on.
I have just remembered that I bought my daughter some Nytol which helped her for a while