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The Cat, The Candle, And The Toaster.

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sandyRoe | 13:44 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

The kitten knocked over a bottle holding half a candle which fell into one of the slots of the toaster.  It has melted around the part that holds the bread.  Is it unsafe to use it now?



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No!  Even when one of them broke my favourite table lamp the other night chasing a spider she did not get put out with the rubbish (some low life already put her out as rubbish when she was tiny).
14:17 Thu 26th Sep 2024

I reckon so.  It will melt when the toaster gets hot and possibly burn.

I wouldn't, Sandy.

Toasters are cheap enough. Get yourself another one.

Probably safer than having candles in bottles and a frollicking kitten...what if the candle had been lit and you weren't close enough to notice?

I wouldn't chance it either

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Thanks everyone.

Into the bin it goes.  Better safe than sorry.

I'd chance it - it's what I do. I'd take it outside (where the smell doesn't matter) and give it a few cycles with no bread in. The wax will melt and burn off producing a smell you wouldn't want in your house. If it does happen to catch fire, which I think is unlikely, the worst it can do is blow the fuse in its plug.

I would run the toaster empty to burn it off, or melt into the crumb tray, (obviously keep an eye on it) then business as usual. 

Barmaid,Tilly,gingejbee and Rosetta: Would you bin the cat as well 😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  

Buy a new toaster.

No!  Even when one of them broke my favourite table lamp the other night chasing a spider she did not get put out with the rubbish (some low life already put her out as rubbish when she was tiny).

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I'd sooner sit in the dark without lit candles and eat cold, untoasted, bread that touch a hair in Cookies head.  😺

Back in the day I shared a room in a hostel with two other men. We had a toaster and made ourselves toast before bed. I had this brilliant idea (not thought through) that we could butter the bread and then toast it rather than toasting and then buttering. For obvious reasons that didn't work but I did discover a good way of making fried bread which I stll use 60 years on.

Doesn't that make a mess in the toaster, BHG?

God I would ( use it) - bang it down and see what occurs, with hand on plug and fire blanket at the ready (*)

Things gone down my toaster - crumpets,  bits of bacon, used condoms, spiders - I didnt eat all of them mind

(*) wrapped round head perhaps or some other easily reached place

I don't like cats but I wouldn't hurt one. 

Tillie - No it's OK. Don't overdo the butter - we use a liquid buttery oil that works fine. It soaks into the bread (still butter both sides) and doesn't drip. When I did the experiment 60 years ago it was another matter - we put plenty of butter on and it run out into the drip tray (the toaster manufacturer called it a crumb tray). Ah, the things you learn as you go through life.

I couldn't do that. I like cold toast with butter spread on top. I don't like it when it soaks in.

The cat comment was a joke (hence the 😁).  I too rescued a starving dumped cat many years ago.

I thought it was the name of a Spoons pub!

Talking of stuff in a toaster, Mr BM opened the grill one day and I asked him what he was making.  "Toast" he replied.  "Well use the toaster" said I thinking he would mess up my nice shiny clean grill.  "I can't" he replied "the cheese will slide off".  

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