All day today the amazing Ken Burns account of the Civil War is running back to back until 7.00 pm (started at 6.00 am) and next Sunday "The West" is also going to be shown back to back for about 12 hours. I would lke to obtain these on DVD if they are available as I cannot watch them all day and it is the most interesting and informative account of the history of the America's ever made. Any information would be appreciated.
if The West is the one narrated by Kris Kristofferson, I have the whole series here on video tape, it was my dad's, he recorded it from the tv years ago.
Ken Burn's work is stunning, we first saw Civil War in the US during a visit, before it came to the UK, the narrator's voice is one of the sexiest voices I've ever heard. The DVD used to be available through Amazon etc and there is a stunning book which goes with the series that's well worth getting. I've heard The Letter before the Battle of Bull Run dozens of times but it still makes me sniff.