I bought a 6ft Wisteria in the summer and it is climbing nicely over my pergola. Do you still need to prune it in its first year? I have an established wisteria at the front of the house that hasn't flowered in the 5 years weve been here (I understand it may have been a bad graft from a poor flowerer, as I prune August & February as the books say). Want to get the best from my new Wisteria. Thanks
Hi HappyFace, Sometimes it can take several years for wisteria to flower, it may be due to subtle differances in positioning, but I have known some people to be lucky enough to get them to flower in the first year.
I think pruning in August is okay, of any long whippy growth that you dont need to fill in with, this can be cut back further in winter to about 10" (25cm) in legnth to stimulate bud growth. Good Luck Tbird+