It's part of the make psyche.
If a man fancies a woman, he automatically imagines that she fancies him in equal, preferably superior terms, he is therefore confused when it becomes apparent that she was simply being nice.
Men see what they want to see. If a woman appears uninterested, she is not uninterested, she is merely playing hard-to-get, and this divetsity of response to a situation can often lead to unpleasantness, and at its greatest extreme - to some real unpleasantness.
Girls who look at a guy because they like him send out a 'I like you' vibe. By the time it reaches the man's eyes, and is percolated through to his brain, it has morphed into I want your body ... now!'
The best thing any woman can do is make sure that there is no room for confusion - by being friendly, but limiting conversation to general topics.
My golden rule with women is very simple - if a woamn wants you to come on to her - she will let you know. See what she is sending, not what you would like her to be sending - saves loss of dignity and embarassment all round.
If she is not making her interest obvious, it is because she is NOT INTERESTED!
Stick to reality guys, it makes life a whole lot easier.