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Toddler Hit By Car and People walk on by in China

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mountainboo | 08:05 Mon 24th Oct 2011 | News
45 Answers
My husband told me that he had seen a deeply distressing news story recently. Footage shows a 2 year old girl with her teddy bear walking alone on a busy road, shortly afterwards she is hit by a van which does not stop. Dozens of people see her but walk on by and leave her bleeding to death in the road. She finally gets taken to hospital where she dies the following day!!! How absolutely despicable. Where is the humanity?


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is it insensitive to accuse some of biting the hand that feeds?
just look at all your clothes labels, electric goods manufacturers, made in china.
Should we all boycott these goods??
Boo, yes I definitely would, money has never ruled my life and never will, life is far to important to me.

Johnk, you are talking total nonsense.
not too long ago i noticed a toddler about 2 or 3 walking down a main road alone, stopped and took her into nearby park where her parents had not even noticed she was missing...this was just a few miles from wher Robert Black snatched Caroline Hogg....dozens of cars must have passed before me....
But that is how I feel about them as a race, im not saying every single person is like that and im sure they aren't like that but with stories like that and their treatment of animals etc. is totally disgusting.
May be to you personally Ratter, but if you're getting on by on a very little money, with a family that depends on you, I can see why people would be very very reluctant ot help, especially if doing so would cripple your own family, money wise.
My next door neighbours are chinese, and they have a two year old little girl, who is constantly running out of their front garden on to the road. It does not seem to bother them very much, they have double gates which they could keep closed and bolted, but they don't. I am scared for this little girls life, the road is quite a busy road and she has had a couple of near misses. I wonder if her parents have seen this video, maybe it would make them sit up and realise how stupid they are being.I have watched it and it made my blood run cold.
murraymints, and I bet you weren't prosecuted as a paedophile.
no I wasn't ....but if I had been that way inclined...I dread to think...
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It does happen, go and talk to a child and see the reaction
As a man, I would be loathe to approach a child in distress (say if one were lost). I'd immediately try to find a woman to assist, because the media have successfully given the public the idea that any man approaching an unattended child is 'dodgy'.

However, the clip of Yue Yue is in a different league. The first shock is that the driver of the white van ran over the girl...paused and then continued on his journey.

The second shock was the way people actually walks AROUND her.

And then she was run over again.

What I find surprising is that even if you didn't want to get involved, surely a quick call to the police or ambulence service wouldn't have been that much trouble??
Someone could have at least dragged her out of the way of the traffic instead of walking by and pretending she wasn't there.
sp1814 - I am in complete agreement. On the occasions i have seen a child who is obviously lost, wheras years ago i would approach the child and engage in conversation to try and find mum or dad, now I will look first for the nearest woman to help me - a sad sign of the times we live in.
Johnk, I often talk to children and young girls, If I found a young girl in distress or looking lost I would help her, im a human!! I accept that you need to take care and would need to access the situation with some care, that is not difficult.
\\\\ I accept that you need to take care and would need to access the situation with some care, that is not difficult.\\\

Mrs sqad would disagree.....she "befriended" a little girl who was crying her eyes out at the airport in Menorca. She had lost her "mummy" and when parents were found, the fragrant Mrs sqad received a "mouthful of abuse".

Andy is correct....we are living in sad times.
My husband and I were both talking about this and although we would both without question had helped the little child, my husband did however say how he would worry that someone would point the finger at him.

We both recall an experiment that was done either in Britain or USA with a child crying alone on a busy street and many people walked by including men who's reasons for walking by was the worry of being seen as the perpetrator. I still don't think this is a good enough excuse and humanity should prevail.

This is a tragic story that may not have had a happy ending, but the child's ending might have been eased with immediate action! Shameful!
ive found lost kids and helped them find their parent. I always will, even though often the adult has refused to even acknowledge that their child was helped. If child is scared or frightened to allow you to help directly then just by following them at a safe distance to ensure there safety whilst looking for further help from staff around etc is something. Its something that Im grateful for another parent doing when my child got lost on holiday and i would hope that people contiue to do so when a child is alone. Though now we are going slightly off topic.
Hi MB :)
I once ran into the road to shut the rear door of a car that an unrestrained toddler had opened, I got a mouthful of abuse from the female driver. Would she rather the child had fallen out of the car onto a very busy road? I put my own life in danger to save that kid from harm and the mother couldn't have been more ungrateful if she'd tried!

I have a theory (unsubstantiated) about what happened to you. Rather than thanking you for helping them, when it comes to children, if you show more vigilence than their parents, it's almost like you are subconsciously declaring "I am looking out for your child more than you are".

By extension, it's like you are unwittingly telling a parent off for not doing their job.

Just a theory based on some other posts I've seen on AB.
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I'm afraid I'm swaying with Ratter in his view of the Chinese. They treat animals appallingly and now it appears they treat humans likewise. The people that walked around the child are a representation of their race. It shows that the majority of people in that country, would react in the same way.

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