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My Letter Is In Daily Mail With Photo

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gordie1 | 08:36 Thu 21st Feb 2013 | News
41 Answers
My letter is now in the Daily Mail today with a photo the photo is terrible but I am really happy with the letter.


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bazwillrun......his mouth off.....again!
Does anyone have a link to it please if it's on the online version of the Mail as I couldn't find it.
I had at least a hundred letters published in national and local papers in the 1970s/80s but haven't bothered for many years- I don't think any letter (or AB post) has much chance of changing anyone's opinion on an issue
going to the Daily Wail's website and searching the site for 'letters'
brings up some interesting things - returned letters from the Vietnam War written by a (dead ) Japanese adoptee - but not Gordie's letter !

dont like dont read

whoever it was , I cant even be bothered to go back the page to look...I'm not infuriated, you obviously didnt read what I wrote.

so he had a letter in a newspaper...whats the big deal ?
Oh FF you are just like Mr Darcy's sister in Pride and Prej who would only say something when she was quite sure no one was listening.

But do you look like her ?
Its obviously of import to the OP.
As it doesn't impinge on your life, Baz, why pass comment?
Maybe , baz is a little miffed because some of his letters were forwarded to the Beano?
>Oh FF you are just like Mr Darcy's sister in Pride and Prej who would only say something when she was quite sure no one was listening. But do you look like her ?

No Peter-Pedant. mrsfactor will confirm I look nothing like Mr Darcy's sister. She'd also confirm I don't look like MrDarcy either unfortunately
This may not be important to some people but it is to gordie! :)
Ah, baz, the belle-lettrist or, perhaps, North Briton of our day! Well, I think it's something to celebrate. All I ever get is 'marmalade corner' of The Times; that bit in the bottom right-hand corner, which drops on the marmaladed toast at breakfast. It's for 'brief letters' viz. those whose authors have but one thought and that so slight that it it takes only two lines to say it. And since The Times doesn't print addresses any more, I never get any come back now. (Pity; I loved people who wrote to complain about "of an evening" and other alleged solecisms which had, mysteriously, passed the sub-editors by !)

Enjoy your local celebrity, gordie. You'll have some in consequence. Friends and neighbours will remark upon the letter and complete strangers will come up and say " About that fiver I lent you.."!
Thanks for the link wolf

Good letter gordie. I hope you find work soon.
Thanks, wolf.
Well done, gordie1.
Thanks Wolf.
All my letters in papers used to contain my name (or non-de-plume) plus the town/city but never gave my address. I also had quite a few pictures and articles which named me but never had any response from the public other than from friends/colleagues.
However my street name was printed along with my name when I won £25 as a crossword prize in a local paper- and a few days later I received an long angry anonymous letter basically saying people who lived in more affluent areas shouldn't deprive poorer people of the chance to win.
So for winning the crossword, you received.....cross words!
Was it in the 'Big Issue', Factor?
Very good, sipowicz and svejk. (Two very difficult names to spell!.Almost as hard as thetaliesin, svejk.)

Sorry gordi1- I thought it was good letter
Well done gordie. It's not everyday you get a letter and photo in the national press.

I had a quick look at it whilst I was getting my Guardian. Sorry, I couldn't buy it to read the letter.
i read the piece, and saw the picture, well done you, for saying what a lot of us have been trying to say for so long, but no one is listening.

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