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Trump And H Clinton

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AB Editor | 13:12 Mon 01st Aug 2016 | News
123 Answers

Occasionally I see ABers talk about how Hillary is "no better than Trump" or in fact, that Trump is better than Hillary.

Can anyone tell me why they think this?


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.......let's wait and see, trumpaggedon is coming!
AOG...considering how many people Trump has insulted, just how "fresh" is that breath ?

I asked this question on a similar thread today ::::

"If insulting the mother of a dead US soldier doesn't throw Trumps campaign off course....exactly what will " ?

In other much lower can he punch, before his popularity starts to be effected ?
Yes I'm also always surprised by the opprobrium meted out to Clinton. She comes with the baggage of a political dynasty of course, and there was the email thing, which was hardly the sort of thing to make you be hated I'd have thought. Is there a lot more to it than she's a powerful woman possibly smarter than her husband? A lot of us are uncomfortable with that it seems.
//considering how many people Trump has insulted,//

What do you think it is mikey? A popularity contest? (^_*)

/// Perhaps America deserves someone like Trump ? ///

What have you got against America mikey? I would have thought that a multiracial/multicultural country such as the USA, would be your perfect place.

/// The Republicans had the opportunity to put forward a candidate with some credibility, but failed to do so. Instead, they fought amongst themselves. ///

/// They allowed Trump to muscle his way in and now they are stuck with him, ///

Reminds one of the UK's Labour Party.
Precisely, Togo: Everything is fair in love, war, and politics...Oops, I almost forgot, and the News section in AnswerBank.
Ed....most of the regular posters in politics and/or news are right-wingers, so nobody can be surprised when Hilary gets all the stick and Trump all the praise !
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Okay, so can someone explain why they would vote for Trump?

Khandro, I've explained my position: lesser of two evils.

/// Ed....most of the regular posters in politics and/or news are right-wingers, so nobody can be surprised when Hilary gets all the stick and Trump all the praise ! ///

How can you possibly say that, this is far from a right-wing site, and it's very plain to see.
'Okay, so can someone explain why they would vote for Trump?'

Frontal lobotomy
Clinically insane
Easily swayed by soundbites rather than a proven record
All of the above.

Maybe these could be the Qs on the poll?
Can someone direct AOG to the straw Polls that we had on here before the last Election, giving people voting intentions please ?
AB Editor
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Why is she duplicitous? What particular thing are you thinking of?

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AOG, don't talk rubbish - the news section is right-wing/conservative in the majority. We've done many polls which bear this out :)

Okay Talbot, but lets talk about what is liked about Trump?
Politics, particularly at this level, is a blood sport and there are no protected species. This couple's son was killed by cowardly Muslims, the kind of people Trump wants to keep out of the US, and instead of trying to score points out of it, they should condemn those responsible but they won't, they prefer to try to shoot the messenger.
Thanks Ed !
I don't like anything about either of them but I'm not so blinkered that I can't see Clinton's failings.

Talbot...I am interested....if you did have a vote this November, who would you vote for ?

( answering this is not compulsory ! )
AB Editor, //Not sure what to say about that video Naomi? She seems to have changed her mind - as people tend to?//

You asked at 14.18 “Why is she duplicitous?” Hence the video.

//Okay, so can someone explain why they would vote for Trump?//

Because he speaks his mind - a breath of fresh air in politics - and what’s on his mind happens to correspond with what is on the minds of a lot of Americans.

I wouldn't vote for someone because I disliked them a tad less than I disliked their opponent

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