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Does It Take Opposition From The Far-Right To Make Tolerant Governments To Take Tougher Actions?

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anotheoldgit | 11:15 Wed 25th Jul 2018 | News
69 Answers

/// With the far-right Sweden Democrats, who are opposed to immigration and asylum, currently doing well in the polls, the government has felt it has be tough on those issues before September's elections. ///


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They should have given her a dose of pepper spray and kicked her ass off the plane.
There are hopeful stirrings throughout Europe of a move back to common sense regarding these Aldi shoppers.
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Reminds me of King Canut holding back the waves.
spath she is preventing a plane taking off, are you saying that anyone can do this and inconvenience a plane full? If you or I tried it our feet wouldn't touch mate. There was a bloke man handled off the other month for not getting out of his seat, what gives?
What an absolutely asinine situation! She more or less commandeers an aircraft for around 14 minutes before any action is taken. Try that stupid stunt in the US and see what would happen.
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Spath, //There is a 14 minute LIVE video, all of this is explained...//

The only thing she ‘explains’ about her claim that he is going to die is that there’s a war in Afghanistan. There are over 34.5 million people in Afghanistan and most of them aren’t dying. What do you want to do? Bring them all to Europe? She had no business disrupting that flight. The man claimed asylum, his claim was rejected and his imminent death is no more assured than anyone else’s. Therefore he is being sent home - and rightly so. Get a grip, spath.
I think that the pilot should face disciplinary charges of failure to be in control of his plane by allowing this situation to continue for as long as it did.
The pilot should have had her removed.
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//Of what?//


Where was the piloting with her?
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Thought you might be. Off you go.
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/// I'm off before this gets
ludicrous ///

Well it certainly won't get any more ludicrous now, bye spat.
//Where was the piloting with her? //

Crikey! How's that for predictive text? Try again just to clarify.

"Where was the pilot agreeing with her?"
I think he was in the cockpit, Naomi.
Haha! Yes ... summoning the police.
Perhaps the pilot had a conscience and he too was not happy he was flying a man to his death?

Just a thought.

The pilot had the power to have her kicked off the plane, but didn’t.
^Oh my! Another one. The man wasn't being flown to his death.

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Does It Take Opposition From The Far-Right To Make Tolerant Governments To Take Tougher Actions?

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