Your never going to stop it. So you may as well legalise it and make money out of taxing it. Anyway all evidence shows that cannabis is FAR less harmful than tobacco. If tobacco was just being 'discovered' there is not a hope in hell it would be legal. Same applies to alcohol .
The only people to loose out on this are the police force who use cannabis to help up their arrests. It's an easy one, it smells and is obvious to detect.
eddie, cannabis is mostly taken with tobacco is it not? Anyway by dramatically increasing gateway drug usage they will be increasing hard drug usage too and associated problems.
so decriminalising something encourages it? - righto! as someone is given to exclaiming
so the gay legislation of 1967 encouraged people (men) to kiss each other in public and they er werent doing so before ?
and the suicide act - on the day that was decriminalised - there were herds of people throwing themselves off building crying
'good bye cruel world! I have waited a life time to do this!' (*)
yeah - righto!
(*) having a shakespeare day today - sozza. altho the odd ABer will wonder - who he den? dead white person or somefing ?
"pardon my ignorance but can you smoke cannabis without cutting it with tobacco? wouldn't it blow your heid off?"
Yes you can, and it depends what strain / strength it was surely?
People can eat marijuana also, it's not a smoke only product and that's what a lot of people are ignorant to. You can't legalise it but make it illegal to smoke. Most people who use it medicinally will take oil capsules or ingest it. Not smoke it. When it's eaten and not smoked there is literally 0 negative side affects for adults. It can impair child and teens brains though. But they're talking about adults.
oh my God here is Macbeth having a cannabit hang over obviously
"A heavy summons lies like lead upon me,
And yet I would not sleep: merciful powers,
in me the cursed thoughts that nature
Gives way to in repose! ..."
They aren't encouraging it, they are accepting it and taking more control. Seems a good attempt at improving the situation to me. A swing towards realism.
"When it's eaten and not smoked there is literally 0 negative side affects for adults" that is such utter carp, I saw lots of young people go doolally from eating dope cake (and smoking joints' and that was in the days when it was far weaker). Cannabis can be so dangerous for those psychologically inclined to anxiety already, I don't understand why this is overlooked. Should never be legalised, I feel quite strongly about that.