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Lets Do The Usual Dance.......

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ToraToraTora | 08:22 Mon 05th Sep 2022 | News
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(Even I don’t know what TFOJ means)
What’s with the weird fixation of offering bets even when people have died in horrific circumstances?
It relates to another thread about gambling, Fatti.
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TF0J is an offensive term TTT has dreamed up for anyone who he thinks is the side of islamic terrorists because they do not agree with his looney tunes speculations.
Ah, OK. The friends of Jihad, then?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone defending terrorists. Maybe Tora has a few examples from his 11 posts?
// Two suspects named as Damien Sanderson and Myles Sanderson are on the run and considered armed and dangerous. Victims were found in 13 locations in the remote indigenous community.

Chakastaypasin Chief Calvin Sanderson "They were our relatives, friends. Mostly we're all related here, so it's pretty hard."
Chief Bobby Cameron of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations suggested that they could be drug related.
"This is the destruction we face when harmful illegal drugs invade our communities. //
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It's all the "Let us wait and see..." - "Let us not jump to conclusions" - when it's obviously a terrorist attack. Then it's ooo it's only a few extremists. Ie defend Islam at all costs. I'm off to a snack bar, I know Ali runs one.
> Officers are hunting for two suspects, Damien Sanderson and Myles Sanderson.
> A statement by indigenous leaders indicated the attacks, at the indigenous community of James Smith Cree Nation and in the nearby village of Weldon, may have been drug related.

Do you read your own links, Tora? How do you deduce Islamist terrorism from this?
It doesn’t sound like a terrorist attack.
You are whinging about us defending evil muslim terrorists, when it sounds like it was criminal drug dealers.
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Not talking about this case specifically just what generally happens when this sort of thing occurs.
I see my post has been removed above. I wonder what site rule I didn’t break this time. Usual strange moderation on this site.
If you're "not talking about this case specifically" then why did you use the same usual dance quote you do on all similar posts?

There's nowt wrong with waiting for more details to emerge before forming an opinion on something.
// what generally happens //

What generally happens is that you make a fool of your self by generally being wrong. Ad infinitum.
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It's a tradition mozz, I like tradition.
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Parading the village idiot is a tradition.
TORATORATORA, we all know what you mean by your using "Let's do the usual dance".

If we didn't, what would be the purpose in your using it?

Why make references to The Friends of Jihad unless you are referring to Islamic terrorists and terrorists?

You are like one of Pavlov's dogs.

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