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Starmer Makes A Step Closer To Rejoining The Eu.

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gulliver1 | 10:35 Sat 14th Dec 2024 | News
44 Answers

Brexiteers are in Panic as EU demands Starmer makes changes to the deal of free movement and fishing. Starmer will have to give EU fishermen access to UK waters.The EU is also demanding Britain gives free movement to students if Britain wants to reset relations with the EU.  We do. So go for it Sir Keir.



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By the time KS finished the sausages will again be flying into thd EU

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 Can,t wait to see the EU flag flying again in the UK . 🤣

Santa is going to town, then coming back to town with loads of goodies.

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I've often heard the expression, 'Rats leaving a sinking ship.' but Starmer's overtures to the EU is a case of a Rat wanting to join a sinking ship !

I'll remind users to stick to the topic & stop throwing insults around.  Those posts have been removed & repeated reference to them really doesn't help, so please stop doing that.

gulliver how will you see a EU flag flying in the UK when you have said you dont live here and dont visit.  Spent too much time down the gut by the sound of things.  Just because someone doesnt agree with you doesnt make them an idiot, try to remember that.

can I ask the mods to stop slashing wildly at this thread?

I know deletion makes a thread, mimsier - - but also very hard to discern if there is any logic

Since the UK took a financial hit over BRexit paying a charge to get back in -  is a bit er rich !

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I see the usual culprits are trying to derail another post .

I only refer to mods as "the wisest of the wise"

Peter Pedant & gulliver1 - what part of my post @ 13:06 are neither of you understanding? Stay on topic & stop referring to removed posts - by all means, keep doing it & have the rest of the weekend off.  Your choice, gentlemen.

I agree with Peter.

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Jacob Rees Lord Snooty Mogg is accusing Labour of trying to reverse Brexit via the back door.  Go for it Labour.

Well lets face it, Mogg wouldnt know a front door from a back. A silver spoon and a stainless steel yes but.....

gulliver1, your constant rejoing the eu is like website clickbait.

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Shedman 13.08.  Gulliver you  "Spend to much time down the gut by the sound of things" Can you be more explicit what that might mean...And perhaps Modster could help with what you mean.

We've noted the working brain in action, the imprisonment of political prisoners, the two kier system, the progress towards economic recession, the lack of effective action regarding illegal immigrants, the broken promises, the targeting of the elderly, the alignment to global powerful groups and committees (presumably because capitulation is easier than resistance and support for the nation). I'm sure others could add to the list.

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If you live in Malta as you claim then I would have thought you would know where the Gut (Strait Street) was and what it was.

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