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Smoking ban.

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anotheoldgit | 11:30 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | News
149 Answers

Could this common sense approach be the answer to what must be one of the biggest infringements of a person's civil liberties?

I am not a smoker, may I add?.


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As a smoker im all for this and as a result of the ban 5 pubs in my town have shut as they were frequented mainly by trades people who generally all smoked and drunk like troopers!
I never really understood why they couldnt have just left a few pubs that you could smoke in and then the non-smokers could just avoid those.
what about the people who work in pubs, that was the point of the smoking ban.

i smoke, hate the smell of it and i hated it behnd the bar when people would sit there blowing smoke across. I much prefer it now, even when i'm freezing. its not stopped anyone i know from going out, however being made redundant etc has stopped a lot of people going out.
I agree that it should be down to landlord's etc to choose. The only problem I foresee is that it would be unfair to inflict that on non-smoking staff (the tables in that room still have to be cleaned, glasses cleared etc).

Makes me a bit annoyed that in our building, we had a room at the top of the building that no one ever went in (not even the cleaners) where we used to smoke and now we can't.
Take your point about the supermarket booze cazzz, but I have to reitterate that it irritates me that non smokers who pressured for this ban to be in place are still ignoring their locals, despite them saying they'd use it more.
<<Smoking would only be allowed in a separate room fitted with air extraction equipment and dining rooms would have to remain smoke-free.<<<

Can´t see any problem in that.....can you?
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Yeah I can sqad, the do gooder non smokers would still flail their arms about whinging about the stink even though the room itself could be several floors away.
i can tolerate the smell of cigarette smoke when im out and about what makes me feel as sick as a parrot is the stench of weed in the air its getting more and more common, you want the smoking ban lifted altogether?.......dream on!
I cant speak for all pubs but all the bar staff in my local's all smoked so for them it isnt/wasnt an issue. Obviously i have overlooked the non-smoking bar staff and that is the flaw in my plan! It is tricky but i think something needs to be done before more and more of our Pubs go under.
Not all pubs can provide smoking shelters if they are small or dont have a garden which has been a problem and smokers have moved to other establishments that do have these facilities.
I've noticed that zz.........
" you want the smoking ban lifted altogether?.......dream on! "

In my ideal world, yes! I also want to win the lottery but that aint gonna happen either ;-)
When I was a child a man who didn't smoke was regarded as something of an oddity. It was an accepted fact of life that as lads grew up they would graduate from Fruit Gums to Woodbines. If you look at all those family-based adverts from the 50s, Dad always has a pipe in his mouth. I wonder how all the non-smoking teachers managed to survive the staffroom, where frequently you could literally cut the atmosphere with a knife.
£10 for a pint of Guinness and a large white wine... feck the pubs...
its not just the smoking ban that is closing pubs though sooper, granted it contributes greatly, however cost of alcohol, the increase in nightclubs and in particular the happy hour deals have lured younger people to these places have all influenced the closure of pubs

A lot of younger people regard pubs as old fashioned and boring, preferring sports bars and clubs.
good point zeee, what about the whacky-baccy smokers...sickly sweet stink, but I suppose ther'e 'happy' for while eh?
<< I wonder how all the non-smoking teachers managed to survive the staffroom, where frequently you could literally cut the atmosphere with a knife.<<

Many didnt.........the life expectancy of male and female have dramatically risen deu to the subsequent recognition of the association of smoking with arteriosclerosis and lung cancer...........just to mention two.
Yeah Cazz your right but in my local's cases that is the case, the builders etc (and me!) would meet there everyday afterwork and at the weekends and now it has had to shut as they wont go and sit outside everytime they want a fag. I never got the impression that money was an issue it was more of a way of life for them and its sad that it has gone. Allotment sheds seem to be the place that a lot of drinking and smoking goes on now where i live!
I can remember my GP from the 50s lighting up a Capstan Full Strength in his surgery. Imagine that now! have a gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS new grandchild ( I am still, at this moment, wiping away the tears of joy and happiness as I looked at the pictures that you posted for us) you smoke in his presence?

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