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I'm Trying To Keep My Cool

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pastafreak | 18:39 Fri 28th May 2021 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
...and not get upset.
It's not working. Daughter and partner were coming down booked. Two meals out booked.
Car cancelled at last minute...
No trains...
Trying another/ other car companies
If all else fails...bus.
I'm trying to stay calm...but it's not working.


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Sorry to hear that why was the car cancelled?
If it’s the company error do what I did and mad at them I got a whole week free car rental
Oh Pasta, what a shame - try very hard not to get too upset.

Something will get sorted out.
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I'll ask...I know she was angry.
I've not seen her in over 9 months...
Pasta, please God they are with you soon. This covid situation has been hard for you and the daughter .
Focus on the joy you will share when you do get together.
Sorry to hear that pasta and can understand how your feeling. My daughter is also coming tonight for the first time since last August. She is driving from London to Dorset, usually 2.5 hours. She's been on the road 5 hours and still not here yet. Apparently the traffic is horrendous, everyone doing the same thing I guess.
I know it’s all relative, but we’ve not seen one of our sons for 18 months and have no idea when we will get to see him, possibly Christmas but not holding our breath. And two of our three girls for over a year, again, goodness knows when we will see them next.
I know exactly how you feel, Pasta and Prudie, and most sincerely hope your daughters make it to see you and finally give you a hug, they’re so precious x
Why tell the internet? Just sort it!
Prudie, the traffic just within London is diabolical today - usual bank holiday stuff, I suppose, boosted by people who haven't seen family since whenever, but it took me 30 minutes instead of the usual 10 to get to the shops.
I feel for you and daughter, Pasta, I really do.

We have our first family reunion on Sunday since August. It is almost a year since we have been together which is simply unheard of. If other people messed that up I would be struggling to stay calm too.

Fingers crossed, it will work out!
whats happened to the trains?
Was there any need for that, Dave?

Fingers crossed for a solution, Pasta. You must be in turmoil :-(
A friend of mine has driven from London to outside Exeter today. She went on the A303. I have regularly used that road for years but it gets worse and worse. The M4/5 is actually better these days and that's saying something. Too many cars on the road and the 303 needs to be dual carriageway all the way through.
Pasta, my daughter should be with me now but the faffing about with our rules has stopped that so I know just how you are feeling. Hope your daughter can get something sorted so you can see her..and hug! really have no empathy with others.
not with whingers - no
Good grief. What a heartless remark. If I hadn't seen my only child for 9 months I'd be distraught.
Can they come down on the National Express?
bloody lucky to have a family that wants to visit IMV.
Well Pasta's nice, Dave which is why her family wants to visit and spend time with others on this site may not have family who want to spend time with them...mentioning no names.... :-)
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I'm still waiting...she said something on WhatsApp about a possible offer of a car...only other option is bus. No trains available. But everyone and his brother is coming to the West Country.
Dave, I am not a winger. I just want to see the family that *can* visit now.
Maybe you should invite someone around...

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