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Boris Nails His Colours To The Mast

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Khandro | 15:09 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | News
35 Answers

To the detractors of Boris Johnson I ask; Could any former British PM other than Churchill himself (Thatcher would concur, but she couldn't write.) produce such a clear and unequivocal article ?



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Isn't it a tenet of NATO that an attack on one is an attack on all?

Are we ready to go to war with Russia?

Can we be sure he wrote it?

Liz Truss possibly User Recommendationref=sr_1_1?crid=2UGKDNS5P1KDZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.znnsYE4-b1vEAey5K4Bx02qBYQ8bS0TlYb-hpFSzUl3j3zq9kpgVRPH7twpfZcjQPnUEizBG-N2x6QVNehHD3EtZmI2PiGPv_Ve4zXpgzlY.ZMhnclQvSbjxV_b20oCtRtJWkhxqxWp-aYOsErqrapo&dib_tag=se&keywords=liz+truss+ten+years+to+save+the+west&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1727447435&sprefix=liz+truss%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1       


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10C; //Can we be sure he wrote it?//

Of course we can, it's from The Spectator - of which he once was editor - he's an excellent writer and why would he have published under his own name an piece by some lesser person?

Also, I doubt if you have read it*, if you had you would know that it is full of personal references.

* But don't let that stop you from commenting though, after all this is AnswerBank ! 🙂

it involves us going to war

no it doesnt says Boris fresh from Greats ( Classics) at Oxford

yes it does  Boris

His comments on article 5 are crap - he  is a latinist and not a lawyer

sandy is correct

he's an excellent writer - yes but can he fire an AK 47?

But don't let that stop you from commenting though, after all this is AnswerBank ! 🙂

oh Kandy you sly batch, that is  usually my domain

-- answer removed --

stop worshipping politicians

Good for Boris.

better than colouring his nails....

"(Thatcher would concur, but she couldn't write.)" - why are you having a go at TGL? She wrote plenty.

Did he apply for change of use for the mast? 🥳

A powerful piece indeed. 

Question Author

A brave, severely wounded soldier asks 'Why can't we use the Storm Shadows ?' What's the answer - 'escalation' ? You're gonna get that if you don't.  


but why are you having a go at TGL?

Well, I say that it's a great article.  Well done, Boris.

No sane person wants WW3 - I reckon I'm sane. If Russia beats Ukraine then, as sure as night follows day, war will break out because Putin will be emboldened and, after a pause to regroup, will try to 'reclaim' other territory.  These lands will belong to countries which are members of NATO............

Putin may think that the West is so desperate to avoid war that he will get away with it (same thinking as Hitler and the Polish corridor).  He may, for a while.

Ukraine must be helped, for our sakes. The world is liable to blow at any time given Iran's support to terrorist anti-Israeli groups......  then there is China twitching it's tail over Taiwan.

The air needs to be cleared over Ukraine - Putin must be defeated and put back in his cage to end the bigger danger.


TTT, He's not having a go at Mrs Thatcher.  He's praising her in that she would concur with Boris, but saying she wasnt an equally accomplished writer - which I think is fair comment.

he said she couldn't write which is an insult. She was a very good writer.

Does it matter?

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Boris Nails His Colours To The Mast

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