I've been part employed as a handyman for an elderly lady who needs her lawn " sorting " The lawn in
question measures approx 35 yds x 16 yds so it is a fair old size. The lawn is heavily moss infested, so
I've treated with the 4 in 1 lawn care kit which has blackened most of the moss and I have started to
scarify it. Unfortunately the moss seems to be around an inch thick in places and is going to look a right
old mess when I've finished . What is going to happen to the lawn ? Will I have to reseed it? will the grass
re-establish ? Any advice will be most gratefully welcomed . Cheers. Hocus Pocus.
Its the moss that stops the grass growing, once you remove as much moss as you can the grass will grow again in time, if it really struggles a sprinkle of seed will help
Deal with the problem that caused the moss in the first place...usually soil compaction or water logging...make holes all over the soil .ideally with a hollow tine aerator but a garden fork worked into the soil the full depth of the tines would do , brush a mix of multi purpose compost and sharp sand with a bit of seed mixed in into the holes and it should recover ....