Hilary Clinton's very public statement that she has received 100% condemnation of this planned act from leaders of faith and non-faith communities across the US gives a strong message that this is not a US-approved action. However, General Petraus says already that there are signs that if it goes ahead, there will be retribution from the extremists against the troops in Afghanistan, and this is entirely predictable. The Dove crowd can't see further than the end of their own back yard IMO, and if they go ahead, I seriously hope that the minister and those who light the fire will be arrested for sedition, or whatever the equivalent crime is in America. It will solve nothing, it will prove nothing, other than a small-minded group of people taking what they think it a stand but will potentially bring huge lashback from Islamic fundamentalists across the world.
On the plus side (if there is one) - I was told that if anyone has to destroy Muslim holy words, they must be destroyed by fire rather than shredding or pulping, so they are being obliging on that front.
God help us all if they go ahead - there will be consequences.