This is interesting, thanks. OH has skin tumours all over his head (some on arms and legs) and over the years has had several chopped out. Normally he manages fine with Efudix.
However, during Covid - you've guessed it - no doctor actually laid eyes on him and things seem to have got a bit out of control. Efudix wasn't on his monthly prescription and it went by the way so he was using tiny smears of ancient cream. Guess what? He's now got quite a few 'crusts' including a nasty one on his lower lip.
Saw a dermatologist 6 months ago, who wasn't impressed, and we now have new Efudix. It seems to be working OK on all of them, except for half of the lip one. Half has dried and fallen off. Quandary, do I wait and hope the nasty-looking bit does the same or somehow scream, kick and shout our way to Dermatologist again (he did say to get in touch if worried)?
Sorry, just realised I've invaded your thread in a big way, smurfchops, but it's on my mind in a biggish way and at least it's about the samething. x