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TioMateo | 19:15 Sat 14th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

I have an "E" problem.

Youngster dropping an E on teeming Spanish island (8)            T?N?R?F?  The answer is obviously TENERIFE (Spanish island), but I'm having trouble with the parsing.  RIFE is fine for "teeming", but "Youngster dropping an E is TE(E)N, so where does the other E come from?

Chambers clearly shows that the second meaning of TEEN (injury, affliction, grief etc) can also be spelt TEENE or TENE, but the first meaning of TEEN (standing for TEENAGER) does not have these options. 



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Teen dropping a letter E to the end= TENE
19:19 Sat 14th Dec 2024

Teen dropping a letter E to the end= TENE

Or is it TE(e)N plus E for Spain, the definition being just  island

Teen moving E down 

E  = Spain registration 

E is Spain ... but I'm not sure it's also an abbreviation for Spanish?

I think it's just the E dropped from TEEN landing on top of RIFE (Spanish is part of the def).

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