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timetrialler | 13:41 Sat 14th Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Christmas Quiz



Sang first in Austria  (6,5)

Sweet cicely (5)

Queens Christmas special was when (4)

Finish with a tiny bit (6)



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4. trifle

2. Myrrh

1 Silent Night

3. 1957 ?

Question Author

Thank you VERY much. I can see them all apart from 1957. Could you explain please?

suggested by scorpio ....MASS.........ChristMAS Special

Maybe this?

The Queen's 1957 Christmas Broadcast was an historic event, as it was the first to be televised

Yes, could be Mass to although the Queen reference could have been lots of alternative things.

O   (here's the missing O from TOO)

Question Author

I quite like the date answer now that it has been explained. I don`t think the answer is MASS as that answers another question.....12o`clock accumulation.....Midnight Mass!

Thank you all for the use of your brains!

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