League Table Final positions for January
Three of last week's leaders,
Strix, ulysses100 & Magyar, failed to score anything this week, so were they overtaken? Yes,
fordward's 2 points were just enough to creep ahead. Late challengers
Alibobs & Dinkypuzzled unfortunately left it just too late.
The final January top positions are:
8 points:
7 points:
Strix & ulysses100
6 points:
Magyar, Alibobs & Dinkypuzzled
fordward, '*** CHAMPION FOR JANUARY 2008 ***'.
Cue the fanfares and the Coronation March.
And without more ado I now pronounce you
KING FORDWARD for a month.
One important administrative matter that I need to complete if this is to happen, is for me to establish email contact with
fordward. Please contact me on:
[email protected]
Finally. A big '*** THANK YOU ***' to
Pauline for an entertaining month of MM Links.
If all goes well, then we'll all be back at the same place next weekend. Be sure to be there. New players always welcome.
In the meantime, I,
gen2, will continue as caretaker of this game until
crofter is able to resume control.