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i used to have the swatch dreamnight crystal one, gave it back coz my parents said it was a gents watch and it raised doubt in my mind too, regretting it now coz it was a NICE watch. this prooves its a ladies watch!!!!!. and oohh i have my eye on the last 4... so tell me which one u like out of all of them and which u like out of the last 4 specifically.

cheers for the help xxxx
Sorry Gal but the only one of them there up I even remotely liked was No 4.... but it is a personal choice at the end of the day - which one do you fancy ?
Question Author
any of the last 4...... darn my taste isnt exactly girly!
I like mens watches, I bought a nigel mansell zeon watch in the 90s, I like all the gadgets on them ;D
3rd from bottom is quite female looking and not bad
Well, I reckon you should go for what you like and sod the consequences...after all, what exactly is a watch for but to let YOU know what the time is.... I had a *man's* watch (ie a large dial) for donkeys years until I realised I simply needed stronger specs...
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bring on the gadgets!!!! lol "slim and slender" watches in my opinion are a total waste lol ive always loves streel strap massive dial watches so pople can SEE lol. also the fact that i have a big wrist... makes the watch look even smaller.
I like the 1st and the 3rd down. The bottom ones are a bit too blokey!!
i am sure you've posted this before or am i dreaming?
-- answer removed --
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i have but thats different set of watches. . H.samual are doing my taste this season lol. YOU HAVE A GOOD MEMORY.
my vote goes with the 2nd from the bottom.
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love you annie
None would catch my fancy,but if you want advice...I like number 4 and 8 best!
Oh hang on...just read that number 4 is pink! I'll retract that choice!
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i used to have number 8.... it was a truely stunning watch. im temped to buy that back
For winter I would have the 3rd from the bottom - my first choice is really a summery watch.
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loving ur taste annie
I have the ladies version of this & I've been really pleased with it. You don't have to wind it & it doesn't need a battery... it runs on light! & looks much more expensive than it is. 5266/

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help me choose a watch... which one is nicer???

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