<<<<lights flash>>>....<<<sirens sound>>>
aggghhh....who said it??! ....that word....h...h...hhh...where's the Epipen?
wonderful as it is to have you with us
woofy I see you haven't read the
revised biddy rules
...some of us have an anaphalactic when we hear the
<whispers> hun word. :o) You are forgiven this time but repeat offences will be
dealt with
love...mi duck...sweetie...anything....anything but that
hope your gums are thawing out you two...oooh, was it that bad
Vin? and now you can get on with enjoying your day
shaney...do you want a straw for your gin or will you just dribble it the same as always?
<waves to sweti>...sending you some help...
Get Well Soon!