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Enigmatic Variations 1661 By Chalicea

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Matakari | 11:37 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
25 Answers

Good day, Chalicea, one of my favourite setters, brings a pretty tricky offering for the EV this week. Help with the following would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

25a Fortification of constructed mansion-house sons abandoned ( 7 ): ?O?????

31a Non-Muslim; initially discovering him, I’m upset ( 6 ) : D?????

2d Firearm’s weight is carried by member ( French one ) ( 8, 2 words ) : ?RW?S???

4d Large African animals mounted indeed in exhibition hall ( 6 ) : ?W????

18d Backing dip into set of people in sort of implantation ( 8 ) : ??GA??M?

22d Something that expands retrospective cover on American tour ( 7 ) : ?AG??I?


PREAMBLE: Four statements made by 13 Across circle the grid in a clockwise direction, beginning at cell 13. A final S is ignored in one of them. Extra letters produced by the wordplay in 27 clues, read in clue order, give another of his statements. The PIG LATIN is not in Chambers Dictionary ( 2016 ), which is recommended.






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31 Dhimmi anag d him I'm 

2 Lewis gun

25 Take 'sons' out or 'mansionhouse' and anagram it.

31 - 'Initially discovering ' gives the first letter, then a three-letter word from the clue, followed by 'I'm upset', ie reversed.

You have mistakes in 2, 4, 18 and 22.

Question Author

Thanks, Scorpiojo, Toorak, NACW! 25a carries 7 letters and does accommodate Mahoenui. Answers for 4, 18, 22? Thanks!

25 Moineau (thought you'd spot that). I'm sure you've remembered the 'extra letters in wordplay'. Here it's the H.

4 Nyalas

18 Nidation

22 Dilator

Hope this is enough to get you on the right track - the last Chalicea turned into rather a nightmare for you!

25a The H is a surplus letter so anagram the other 7

Question Author

Thanks again and one more set for your help!

9a Increase and no longer change shoemaker’s strengthened thread…( 6, 2 words ): ?AI?N?

15a  Old gossips admitting sign of hesitation for exciting experiences of long ago ( 7 )  : A?NL?R?

17a  Dull, British male, originally not university material – second rate! ( 6 ) : ?EN?M?

20d Mere brat confused porter’s supporter ( 7 )  : ?EERMA?

21d Vehicle pursued by little sibling for a lift ( 5 ) : ?RSIS


Matakari, you have another few mistakes!

17 Benumb

21 Arsis

9 Waxend

20 Beermat

15 Aunters


With all these answers, you must have a fair few letters now? You may be relieved to hear that they weren't actually necessary, 13 A was gettable!

Question Author

Good morning and thanks, NACW, I’m getting there. The last two clues before I get on to the statements.

8 Flower’s regularly displayed close to yard ( 6 )  : ?AER?Y
30 Disentangles Scottish revolutionaries ( 4 )  : RED?  ( REDS )

Thanks for confirming my letters for 13a

Matakari, you have a mistake in 8 A, and the answer is Paeony. Yes to 30 D, a double definition.

You have a mistake in 13 A too. Your O should be an R and should immediately reveal the first word!

Question Author

Grateful, NACW, I've got the author of the statements and the answers should fall into place now.

Thanks, Matakari. The statements aren't all in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, but the internet helped!

Question Author

Thanks for confirming my letters for 13a

I thought I had it all covered now, but I must have some wrong letters at the bottom of my grid. After the quote ending “Buggins turns”, I have the following letters: “ ?C?TH?L?R “

Many thanks for verification!


It's Buggins Turn - singular

The next word begins with the S and your R is wrong

Matakari, glad JJ could verify that you'd gone wrong again! Am sure you were relieved to get to the end of this.

Question Author

Thanks, jj109, I'm still in a quandary with this last one for which I now have:

" S?C?TH?L?T"

I hope my letters are correct this time.

sack the lot would fit.

Does that fit the theme?

Matakari, your letters are correct. The split is 4,3,3 - and is one of 13 A's most famous remarks!

They are

4 3 3

NMA, yes, that was the phrase.

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Enigmatic Variations 1661 By Chalicea

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