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Which Design?

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abbeylee90 | 21:11 Fri 13th Dec 2024 | Shopping & Style
11 Answers


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Not on a secure connection, Abbey!

For what?

tackiest? - all of them

most hideous? - the blue one - I mean seriously


What prudie said you know what is appearing beneath the nail pictures? 

I've asked Chris to do something with the link 🙈

Abbey, there are live sex cams there for those without Adblockers.

Oh I missed that, are they on a par with the nail designs?


That's odd!

I've never noticed those sort of ads on that site before.  (However my web browser's built-in ad-blocker is enabled by default.  So I had to disable it to see what everyone was going on about).

For anyone who prefers to see Abbey's pic without the 'entertainment', this link will hopefully do the job:

The first red one - blue is awful!

perhaps the live sex cam will be the next subject of "shall i apply for this job"

re nails. any french mani that includes any tips but white makes it look like you have dirt under your nails

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