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Sally Morgan is "Britain's best-loved psychic"

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Dolt | 21:36 Tue 11th Oct 2011 | Society & Culture
67 Answers
Is she, or is she a fake?
A friend of mine went to see her last month, she was sitting in the back row on the fourth level of the theatre and there was a small room behind her (like a projection room) the window was open, my friend and her pal heard a man's voice and "everything that the man was saying SM was saying it 10 seconds later.


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I know Ratter, I have seen him on TV, but that still doesn't explain how people can get told personal details, that the physic could not possibly know.

I think we can all find an explanation for one thing or the other, but I have a friend who in the past few months lost her 22 year old son to cancer, she has recently had a sitting with a physic and was told information that only she knew.
You obviously didn't see Darren Brown do this, how he extracts information and lead and read people to get such information, its very clever but its done regularly.
Hi DEN, I think if someone can gain comfort from people like Sally, best of luck to them imo
Morning Joy - I don't deny those large venues are a complete con and basically just 'a show', so why are they not banned for gaining money from these vunerable people.
thing is RATTER, people who have the 'need' to use these Psychics to search for something , I don't think this is a bad thing otherwise they would be banned and treat as witches were in days of old
Because it is 'just for entertainment' wouldn't want your money back from David Nixon because he didn't really saw a woman in half.....

They can no longer claim to be contacting 'those who have moved on', even if everything they do is designed to lead you to believe that that is just what they are doing.
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JTH, David Nixon!! giving your age away lol, he died in 1978.
I don't think that people who go to these type of shows class it as 'entertainment'.

So what about Spiritulist Churches ?
Ratter - I couldn't call to mind any current magicians who still do that sort of thing. :o)

Different kettle of fish, TOWIE.

Whether you or I believe that members of Spiritualist churches are actually conversing with the dead......the majority of them really DO believe they are, and they don't seek to profit from their 'gifts' or anyone else's distress.
And then start speaking in tongues. What's that all about?
I am a 'non believer' until someone proves me wrong (:o((
ummmm - That's more the Pentecostal arm of belief who speak in tongues and doesn't form part of the traditional UK Spiritualist practice.
I've seen it happen....very very bizarre.
Did you keep a straight face ? :o)
LOL... going to see her in april next year, shall be going with an open mind and £27 quid out of pocket!!
Different kettle, but not that different. If one accepts the possiblility of a no fee demonstration as being potentially genuine, it would be the same talent the same or other mediums are using to make a living out of at shows.

Folk like Darren Brown won't get far providing personal information the member of the public isn't aware of, and which astonishingly, since it is so so unlikely, turns out to be so.
Have you seen the Guardian Science article today, by Simon Singh? He's offered her the opportunity to prove herself by being tested. She won't do it. She knows she will fail.
//Whether you or I believe that members of Spiritualist churches are actually conversing with the dead......the majority of them really DO believe they are, and they don't seek to profit from their 'gifts' or anyone else's distress.//

That much is reserved for the enlightened one . . . the one passing 'round the collection plate.
//That much is reserved for the enlightened one . . . the one passing 'round the collection plate. //

Actually, whilst without doubt that happens elsewhere, it doesn't happen in the Spiritualist church in the UK. As Jack says, the people there do believe they are genuine and they don't seek to profit from it.

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